
About Me

Hi! Welcome to my homepage!!

I am Eashan Gupta, a coding enthusiast. I am from Delhi.

Currently, I am pursuing Masters of Science in Computer Science at University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.

Previousy I worked at Nutanix, Inc., a cloud computing company, for one year.

I am a Bachelor's of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering with Honours from IIT Bombay

A canvas painting by me

My Hobbies



I am interested in applying theoretical concepts in real world and practical problems. In particular, I am interested in program verification and developing tools for the same. My other research interests include artificial intelligence with particular focus on reinforcement learning and developing intelligent learning agents.

Notable Projects

Here is a list of some of my notable projects. For a more complete list, please refer my CV.
For details, I have attached my project report for some of the projects - click on the cards to view them.

Working at Nutanix

Software developer at Nutanix in the teams Microservices Platform and Karbon. Working on the next logical step to move to containerized services from deploying complete VM stack.

Towards validation of RTL passes of the GCC compiler

Worked to develop a tool to validate the GCC compiler by studying individual optimisation passes.

Improving upper bounds of Howard’s Policy Iteration Algorithm

Worked to improve the upper bounds of the various Policy Iteration algorithms.

Implementation of Abstract Domains for Program Verification

Worked to develop various abstract domains used in the tool CAnalyse. The tool uses abtsract interpretation of programs to verify various assertions.

Improving upper bounds of Howard’s Policy Iteration Algorithm

Worked to improve the upper bounds of the various Policy Iteration algorithms


I worked in the Student Satellite Team of IITB to develop the 2nd satellite of this team- ADVITIY. I was in the Controls Subsystem to develop the attitude controlling algorithms of the satellite.